Blog 6: Travelogue

Surrounded by white walls and stillness, I take a deep breath; the smell of leftover donuts and bath gel hanging in the air. It was naive of me to think an ocean could separate me from myself. Breathe in, breathe out. Sitting in the middle of my unmade bed, I reach for my computer. The blank page stares at me, waiting for me to make the first move. Somewhere on this block is a party I wasn’t invited to, but that doesn’t stop my window from vibrating along to the music. I hear passersby on the street below and briefly wonder where they are headed. A pub? The bus station? Home? Home. I think of the people waiting for me back home and my mouth goes dry. The empty page becomes a blur behind the tears that have started to form. Fingers on the keys, I ignore the racing of my heart as I try to type my way through this panic attack, but nothing comes. Breathe in, breathe out. I close my eyes and count to ten. Think of something, anything. “Did you know that Ireland is home to the black headed ...